Monday, December 22, 2014


Today has been yet another good day! Britt was a busy boy today, lots and lots of physical therapy and stimulus! They sat him in a power chair for the first time for about an hour, and he did really well! He also sat on the edge of the bed too. He has gotten so much better at controlling his own head, he still cant hold it up on his own, but now when we hold it for feels more like 5 pounds rather than 50!haha He responded to a few commands today, but I think he is just really tired after physical therapy.

Today I was standing out in the hallway while they were changing him, and i watched a young boy learning to walk again, try and take some steps down the hallway. I don't know who he is, where he is from, his story, or what happened to him. But from those couple of minutes that I was able to watch him...I know this, that boy is inspiring.

I watched him as he struggled to take each step, his legs wobbling and very unstable. He had a harness attached to him for the therapist to hold onto incase he fell. I could tell that he was struggling, that it was very difficult for him and painful. He was so motivated and concentrated on each step. I clapped and told him good job and how amazing I thought he was as he took several steps, slowly, past me.

I walked back into Britton's room and couldn't help but sit down and cry.

I have never been more humbled in my life, than in that moment, watching that boy, I don't think.

I dont know what he had to overcome to get this far. Or what exactly his road and journey have entailed. This boy was trying to learn to walk again, to function normally...again. I cant imagine the stress and frustration he must be feeling...but his smile was there, small, but it was there. And his eyes shone bright.

Inspiring. Humbling. Strengthening.

When I walked back into the room, as I was crying, I looked at my brother. I pictured him walking down the halls, trying to learn how regain function of his body, learning how to walk again, how to balance. It hit me, as it does every now and again, that my brother is here, in this situation, and that would be him someday. Of course I am so grateful that he is alive, and revovering little by little, but it's still the fact that this has happened to him. That my sweet brother who once was running in touchdowns and rounding bases...will have to relearn everything. And just like that boy, he will have to learn to walk again down these hallways. As much as it hurt me to witness that boy, and think that my brother would have to go through the same things...It gave me something to look forward to.

If that sweet boy could do it with a smile on his face.

Then so can I, and so can my brother.

I realized today that I will never take my health for granted. My legs, the fact that I can walk and run and jump on my own with no problems. I can wave my arms around, and hold my head up on my own. I can sit myself up and roll around on my own. I don't have to be helped, or held by a harness. And I take that for granted sometimes. I will never complain about something on my body hurting again, unless I am in the hospital doing the same things that boy and my brother are having to do...because I don't see them complaining...and they are far worse of then I am, or any of us are.


  1. You are wise beyond your years. May God bless you and your dear family during this time. We pray for your family and brother daily.

  2. Thank you for the reminder (again) of being Grateful for the fact that I can walk, run (need to do this again,) and just be me after recovering from a broken neck oh so long ago. I am not in a wheelchair and I should be more mindful of that! You, my dear Autumn are so wise.

    Thank you again for sharing your feelings. Remember, you are allowed to feel sad sometimes, don't always suck it up like you think you should. You're a model of the way I would want the world to live. Heavenly Father is blessing you all in this journey of Britt's.
    Love ya, Sandi
