Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sunshine Therapy


It was so fun and so awesome.

I think he loved it.

He didn't say much though;) But I could feel it.

It was such a nice day out too! We wheeled him right on out, and did physical therapy out there. I love seeing him get to do new things! It just means he is improving and getting better. He almost got stung by a bunch of bees, but other than that things went real smooth. He has done great today. He has even responded to a few commands, very vaguely, but still!

(hahahahah you know how my mom was freaking out about the bees...this one came back with us, we found this one on his arm when we got back in and had to call in the SWAT team...hahaha get it...not really, the SWAT team consisted of me and the nurse. #BEElieve4Britton )

Last night, Michael McLean from the Forgotten Carols got us tickets to go see his show. He had stopped in a couple days before to talk to us and see Britt, because he had caught word of what happened. It was so awesome, the show much needed for me and my family. Funny story though, we got a flat tire on our way over, so we had to ditch the car and walk the rest of the way to the show so we wouldn't be late...hahahah it was hilarious. At the end of the show, he dedicated a song to our family and Britt, called "Hold On" say we cried our eyes out would be an understatement. It was so special to us. And so good to get out of the hospital for a sec and feel the spirit of christ, and christmas itself.


  1. I was at the show last night and I teared up when he mentioned your family. I almost stopped you last night as you were walking out because I wanted to just give you a hug, but you looked like you were in a hurry, so I didn't. I've never met your family, although I knew your dad vaguely years ago, were from the same neck of the woods :). And my son John is friends with Greyson and hangs out with him at school. (my son thinks he's a pretty awesome kid to) We have been following and praying for Britton and your family. Your faith is so inspiring and even though this trial is hard, great things are coming out of it for so many people. Britton is inspiring and uplifting thousands. He's doing great things even while he's getting his beauty sleep. Keep "holding on"!!

  2. Autumn, I look forward to reading you daily updates and comments on the condition of Brit each day. You have a great talent and the way you share it with us is amazing. I can feel the excitement through your words as every "baby step" brings your brother that much closer to recovery. The love you show for Brit as well as your whole family is inspiring. We lived next to your dad when they were kids growing up, and have always thought the world of their family. We have stayed friends thru the years and my thoughts are with you all throughout this trial. Thank you for the blessing you give to us all with your words. Our thoughts and our love are with you always, and we pray for a full recovery for your brother. Please continue to share with us! Rick & Beverly Farnsworth

  3. That is a big step! Come on Britton! You can do this!
